Sarah’s News

Highlights of 2014 – Looking Forward in 2015

Posted by on Jan 22, 2015 in Church Planting, Sarah's News, Training | 0 comments

Highlights of 2014 – Looking Forward in 2015

Milestone 2014 was the year that a major milestone was reached on the road to seeing the Cambodia Dream become a reality. I now have 3rd generation disciples within 1 year of leading people to the Lord. This means that I led someone to the Lord and trained them to be a multiplying disciple. This new disciple then led someone to the Lord and trained them. And my disciple’s disciple led someone to the Lord and is training them to do the same all in less than 12 months. I’m sure that 2015 will be the year that we reach 4th generation disciples and beyond and I’m praying for...

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Highs and lows in Prey Veng

Posted by on Jun 13, 2013 in Sarah's News, Training | 0 comments

Highs and lows in Prey Veng

“Can you come out to Prey Veng province and run a story-smith workshop for a group of pastors and children’s workers?” a missionary asked me. I slotted it into my calendar and wasn’t expecting it to be too big a deal since Prey Veng isn’t far away. Last week, I discovered there is an area of Prey Veng so undeveloped that it has the feel of being isolated and remote. The 130km took almost 4 hours to complete including a stretch of road under construction that proved one of my most challenging 4-wheel-driving experiences, in mud so slippery I often had no control of...

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Meet Renee

Posted by on Mar 20, 2012 in Sarah's News | 0 comments

Meet Renee

After 4 years of pursuing the dream of Church Multiplication Movements in Cambodia without any missionary teammates, it has been absolutely wonderful to have a lovely young woman join me for 4 months.  Renee Blok and I met at PanAsia conference in Phuket, Thailand last year.  She said God had called her to be a missionary from the age of 12 and the kind of missions work she wanted to do was exactly what I was doing.  That sounded promising. Renee decided to come and join me for several months to see if God would confirm to her that she should join my team.  She arrived just a few days...

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Setabo Update

Posted by on Dec 1, 2011 in Church Planting, Sarah's News | 0 comments

  I was in Setabo village yesterday and told the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, focusing on the fact that Jesus willingly took all the sins of the world on himself and the need to acknowledge our own sinfulness.  Rom and her husband, Leang, were really impacted by the story and my testimony of being made new by the power of the Holy Spirit once I acknowledged that I couldn’t save myself.  Tu, Rom’s mother, who was the one who requested to learn about Jesus last year, seems to have hardened her heart already.  She immediately wanted to tell us that something similar...

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Cambodia Dream blog launch

Posted by on Jul 11, 2011 in Sarah's News | 0 comments

I  have a website and blog at last!! It seems to me the day of the newsletter is waning and small bits of news more frequently via a blog is a far better way to keep you posted with what is going on in the work towards fulfilling the Cambodia Dream. Why not click the RSS button and have blog updates delivered to you automatically? Before getting to current news there is so much that happened in the last few months that I need to tell you about.  So get ready for some exciting updates. share & follow: Recommend on Facebook Share via MySpace Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments o

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